Topics for Discussion
Protecting Your Family’s Lifestyle

Kris Sollenberger, Life Insurance Pro, Scottsdale
3 May 2017
You’ve got a nice house, nice car, a beautiful spouse, and 3 great kids. You 5 all take a nice family vacation every year, and who knows, you may even own a couple houses and golf memberships for each house. Life is good for your family. Having money just makes things easier.
People with money certainly have more options than people without it. Well, what if all of a sudden that steady income your family is accustomed to stops all of a sudden. Why would it stop you ask? Because bad things happen every day in this world. People get hit by buses, heart attacks, cancer, strokes, car accidents, and on, and on…. Every year, 55.3 million people die. That’s 151,600 each day, 6,316 an hour, and 105 each minute. Think about it, do you know anyone who has died too early? I bet you do, and I bet those people who died didn’t know it was coming either. Let’s say this happens to you, now what? Will your wife have to start working? If so, who takes care of the kiddos? Who picks them up, and takes them to their after school activities. That will all cost money. College, braces, clothes, phones, computers, and cars, these are all things that a typical family is going to want and need. How about your house? Was it paid off? Even if it is, who’s going to pay the property taxes? I could go on and on.
This can all be avoided if you have a term life insurance policy. Life insurance gives you leverage to do what you want without the worry. It’s not too expensive either. Term insurance is the cheapest life insurance available. Here is the average annual payout for people of a certain age:
“College, braces, clothes, phones, computers, and cars, these are all things that a typical family is going to want and need.”
Policy amount: 30-year term life, 20-year term life
$1 million: $720, $415
Policy amount 30-year term life 20-year term life
$1 million: $1281, $631
Policy amount 30-year term life 20-year term life
$1 million: $3301, $1,692

In order to keep your family accustomed to their lifestyle, I recommend 20 times your annual income. If you make 50K a year, I recommend a $1,000,000 policy. If you make $250K, you should get a $5,000,000. This sounds like a lot of money, but keep in mind, your family will need it for all sorts of things for many years. Do yourself a favor, and find out just how inexpensive protecting your loved ones can be. Take a couple minutes to fill out this form, and in a few short weeks, you can rest much easier.
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