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A Personal Story from An Everyday American

Kris Sollenberger, Life Insurance Pro, Scottsdale
30 June 2017
“There are thousands of these stories out there. Let’s learn from them, rather than becoming another.”
Okay folks, you’ve heard me discussing the importance of life insurance. I hear you! You’ve got too much to do, and way more important things to spend your money on then some policy that only works if you die. At face value life insurance sounds like a bad deal on your end, right? I understand that! Nobody wants you to die. In fact, I’m guessing all the people you love in your life want you around for as long as possible. Unfortunately, none of us really know when it’s our time. There are so many outside influences that we have no control over. We need to be ready, we need to plan for this stuff. Not for us, but for our family. I’d like to share with you a story from Miranda Rivera from There are thousands of these stories out there. Let’s learn from them, rather than becoming another.
My father was my role model. Whatever he set his mind to, he was able to accomplish. That’s how he built his two companies, with the goal of providing rural areas with internet.
His death at 44 changed everything. Even though I was just 12 at the time, I knew nothing would ever be the same.
My father left behind little financial support for my family and no life insurance. We were on our own to struggle through the difficult times. Our family’s strength crumbled, and our finances grew in disarray. There were times we had no electricity or water because we were so far behind with our bills.
When I hit rock bottom, I knew it was only me who could turn things around. That’s why I’m working hard to pursue a degree in computer science and engineering
What I’d like to say to you is that the death of a parent changes everything. Because my father didn’t have life insurance, I didn’t get the luxury of being a child anymore. I had to grow up quickly, too quickly.
Life insurance can’t bring a parent back, but it can make the road afterwards easier for those left behind.
None of us want our families to ever feel this pain and then struggle to put food on the table. We don’t want our kids to grow up too fast. We don’t want our families to have to move from their home. We want only the best for our families. In order to provide them with a great future, they will need money. Money that you can provide them when you aren’t even around. You can secure your family’s future with a simple call and some money each month. Trust me, it beats the alternative.

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