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You definitely need life insurance in your 30s and 40s

Kris Sollenberger, Life Insurance Pro, Scottsdale
10 July 2017
“ Seriously think about it, if your income stops, what happens to your kiddos and spouse? Will they be able to stay in your home? How about your car loans, credit card balances, etc. How much of those debts will all of a sudden become their problem?”
This goes to all you young families out there. It’s summer, kids are out of school, I’m sure the last thing you’re thinking about right now is life insurance. I’m guessing you’re too busy planning your family vacation, staying out of the heat, or figuring out ways to keep the kiddos occupied all day why the adults all still have to go to work. Those items are all on the top of my list!
When we are young, it’s easy to have tunnel vision and focus only what’s in front of us. We never think of the unpredictable events that could squash our future plans. Nobody ever thinks it will happen to their family, until that one horrible day, where our lives get turned upside down. Seriously think about it, if your income stops, what happens to your kiddos and spouse? Will they be able to stay in your home? How about your car loans, credit card balances, etc. How much of those debts will all of a sudden become their problem? Simple question, will they be able to afford the life they are accustomed to? For just a few bucks a day you can guarantee your family’s well-being will continue when you’re gone. We all need to be prepared just in case that day were to ever happen.
So what now? Life Insurance Management Research Association (LIMRA) published a study that says people your age overestimate the price of life insurance three times the actual amount! That’s a huge misconception, and quite dangerous if it’s preventing you from purchasing the only thing that could keep your family afloat if you pass away. A 40-year-old man in relatively good health could get a 1 million dollar 20-year term policy that would cost him just $68 a month. It would be even less expensive for a woman in the same health condition. I bet every one of you could figure out a way to save $2 a day for a plan like this.
I hear from a lot of people they can’t afford life insurance. For a some, this is true. Sometimes our age and/or health can certainly make our premiums too high to fit into our current budgets… But, $2 a day… I do not know many young adults out there with families who could not swing a couple bucks. You’re young, you’re supposed to go on living for many many more years. Take advantage of that fact now.
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